The analysis of Wall Street – Miguel Ángel Temprano talking with Capital Radio

The analysis of Wall Street – Miguel Ángel Temprano talking with Capital Radio

Capital Radio invites the CEO of Orfeo Capital to the ‘Open Market’ program with Laura Blanco, where they talk about Amazon, Harley Davidson and other current affairs.

We are living in an extremely convulsive time, where, or you look at everything, or you stay outside. Now you have endless fronts to analyze, every day. Some time ago they told me that the Trump Tweets moved the market and it seemed like an eccentricity. But now it seems most normal.” – Miguel Ángel Temprano

The journalist and host of the ‘Open Market’ program, Laura Blanco, invites the CEO and Director of Investments of Orfeo Capital, Miguel Ángel Temprano, to discuss the situation of the markets in the section of the program “The Analysis of Wall Street”.

“The excess of liquidity that exists, I say that it has ‘doped’ the market, and makes all the fundamentals have to look at them from that different perspective (…) because we have never faced a recessive phase of the cycle with a so great liquidity. ” He commented Temprano that in addition the per capita monetary mass in the last decade has grown by 25%, in which Laura Blanco observes that it is a closing with zero interest rates, but that the central banks are inviting us to take more risks. “The decisions that have to be taken have to be extremely measured, in an environment where there is a brutal overvaluation of assets. Today nothing is worth it. For example, do we believe that Amazon that ‘worth’ 73 times the benefits it generates ? That is almost the life expectancy of a human. “

“It has been said that Harley Davidson has gone up a barbaric stock market, and it is true. It is a company that we have in our portfolio, that we have researched and analyzed in depth and have even sat down with their managers in Milwaukee and that faces a great uncertainty: the launch of the first large electric motorcycle.But the market is not discounting that; we do give it a value but we know that there are tremendous downgrades, but the one that has bought today no, has not done anything from this.” He exposed Early for Capital Radio to the excess of money that exists in the markets and the effect it has on them.

We invite you to listen to the rest of the program “The Analysis of Wall Street” with Laura Blanco to learn more about Orfeo Capital’s position in today’s troubled markets.


Fuente: Capital Radio – Mercado Abierto 2019-10-22