Uncertainties in the Spanish economy – La Rioja Directo TV program

Uncertainties in the Spanish economy – La Rioja Directo TV program

The news program La Rioja Directo, cconnects with Miguel Ángel Temprano, CEO of Orfeo Capital, to analyze the last report of the IMF.

Given the new forecasts presented by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the economic growth of Spain, Miguel Ángel makes an analysis of the report, and how this forecast should be taken in key to the investments that citizens will make this 2020.

We are facing a forecast reduced to 1.5%, with a geopolitical situation that directly affects us. According to the reflection of Miguel Ángel Temprano on the factors that cause it “first, the global slowdown, which is very important, and Spain is part of a globalized economy, and although we are the thirteenth economy of the planet, we are very affected by what happens. (…) Then the economic, political and geopolitical situation of the country is very worrying. We are a part of Europe, which in turn is immersed in the Brexit, which is going to happen soon, but we also have Trump’s recent statements that the next trade war will be with Europe“.


Source: TV program “La Rioja Directo”