Susana Criado, the renowned journalist who manages the broadcasting program Capital of Radio Intereconomia, interviews to Miguel Ángel Tempran...

Miguel Ángel Temprano analyzes in Capital Radio news the falls of the stock market during the month of March, as well as expresses its recommendation...

Miguel Ángel Temprano is invited to the broadcasting program Open Market of Capital Radio to comment on the Inditex donation offered by its Chairman ...

This time, Miguel Ángel Temprano, CEO of Orfeo Capital is forced to intervene from his home in the gathering of the Market Closing program led by Fer...

Miguel Ángel Temprano, CEO of Orfeo Capital, enters live in the Laura Blanco program, closing markets, from his home due to national confinement due ...

Miguel Ángel Temprano is interviewed by the director of the Open Market program Laura Blanco of the Capital Radio chain. Analyze the real possibiliti...