The vaccine versus the medicine, what is more urgent?

The vaccine versus the medicine, what is more urgent?

These days I have had the opportunity to read some interviews with two of the most reputed virologists and epidemiologists in the world, Dr. Klaus Stohr, who before working at Novartis was one of the key WHO researchers in 2003 SARS and the other to Dr. Guiuseppe Remuzzi director of the Institute of Pharmacological Research of Italy. The conclusion of the reading of both interviews and especially of the abundant declarations of one of the world eminences in this field, Dr. Fauci, director of the CDC of the USA are two: the first, there will be no vaccine in the short term, but on everything will not be vaccinated for everyone in a very long time. Second, we are much closer than we think to finding a medicine that will alleviate the health situation.