About cryptocurrencies and their influence on our environment

About cryptocurrencies and their influence on our environment

Interview with Miguel Ángel Temprano, CEO of Orfeo Capital. Rankia.

A few days ago we saw Facebook announcing a new virtual currency I thought that after the stupidity of Maduro’s madman with Petro, no one else in his right mind would coin a new virtual currency. But obviously I was wrong.

I think that in this subject the ignorance is so deep that neither the majority of defenders nor detractors know how to explain why they are positioned on one side or another.

Blockchain technology based on the principle of “disaggregated consensus”provides something so far not achieved with any currency, its infalsificability. There will always be someone who says, until someone finds the how, but it seems that it is quite predictable that until that happens, if it happens, our great-grandchildren will already have died.

Money, after all, is nothing more than an easily divisible intermediate exchange asset. That is, it is the asset we use to acquire and sell other assets, physical or virtual. But for this asset to be recognized as such it must meet a series of premises.

For those who do not know the “disaggregated consensus” what it does is that the validity of the currency we use to pay at all times, not validated only by those who deliver it, but a huge network of computers, which also do it in a way uninvited, which will never happen with the current paper money.

But for this asset to be recognized as such it must meet a series of premises. Indeed, central banks will end up issuing virtual currencies sooner or later. Virtual currencies based on blockchain technology issued by solvent agencies such as central banks will provide the international monetary system with security mechanisms never seen before.

To begin with public finances, they will be able to know exactly not only the money in each person’s hand, but their exact origin, which will reduce drastically the illicit exchange of money.

Congratulations Katherine, have a great time and have many more. We wish you the best on your day. Congratulations!


Source: Rankia-10-09-2019